RPNGC Educates on Family Violence

The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) played a dual role in safeguarding and educating at the Central Music Festival in Kwikila, Rigo District of Central Province.

While ensuring the safety of festival-goers, the police force set up an informative stall addressing Family and Sexual Violence (FSV).

Led by Superintendent Delilah Sandeka, Director of the FSV Unit at RPNGC, the team distributed brochures and engaged with the community on the crucial issue of FSV.

She emphasized the importance of awareness, stating, "Everybody must know where to get support, whether it's individual, within the family, or in the community. They should know where to refer someone else to the police for support and assistance, especially in cases of family sexual violence."

"We are here to inform the people that domestic violence is a crime, and it's not acceptable. Everyone has the right to report and seek justice."

The presence of the RPNGC at the festival not only ensured security but also served as a vital platform for raising awareness and fostering dialogue on combating Family and Sexual Violence within the community.

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