Relief supplies arrive in Enga

The PNG Defence Minister Dr Billy Joseph and Enga Governor Sir Peter Ipatas have arrived in Wabag, six days after the massive landslide at Yambali village Mulitaka, Enga Province.

With hundreds of bodies buried in the rubble, the duo conveyed to the people the government's support for the recovery efforts, with the governor announcing a one-million-kina funding commitment from Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso.

He and the minister also thanked the donor partners who have responded swiftly to the disaster.

The first relief supplies from the Australian government arrived in Wabag today with the Australian Airforce planes to be busy in the next few weeks moving relief supplies to the province.

Enga Provincial Administrator and Chairman of the Provincial Disaster Committee, Sandis Tsaka welcomed the assistance from the Australian government.

While providing a brief report to the Australian High Commissioner, the minister and Governor Ipatas, he said they have so far recovered six bodies, all dug by bare hands.

He said they're not able to send in machinery given the unstable nature of the earth there.

The government has sought technical assistance from Australia and New Zealand to carry out geotechnical work before machineries are engaged in the recovery exercise.

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