Power Outages To Continue

Another power outage notice was issued this afternoon for residents in the nation’s capital and the Central Province.

Power supply to customers on the Konedobu and Kanudi Substation feeders will continue to be affected during this time, due to multiple fallen high voltage power lines and faults at the substations.

PNG Power reported that Konedobu Feeder 5 conductors fell onto Konedobu Feeder 2 lines which caused the Konedobu substation to trip off. Checks revealed that all protection relays were burnt as a result of the power surge from the broken conductors clashing.

Areas which have been mostly affected since the weekend are Konedobu, Touaguba Hill, Koki, Badili, Kaugere, Downtown, Paga Hill, Ela Beach and Lawes Road.

Kanudi Feeder 3, which supplies villages along the Napanapa area, Rainbow Estate and UPNG, have been offline since Saturday 18 December. PNG Power states it was not allowed to attend to the faults due to the ethnic fights in the Baruni and Hanuabada areas.

Restoration is still in progress.

Press Release