Police uproot marijuana plant in school yard

Police officers attached to Gerehu Police Station uprooted seven marijuana plants in a school yard at Tete Settlement yesterday afternoon. They had acted on information provided by an informant.

According to the police, the marijuana was planted at the far end of an elementary classroom. It was being grown among other garden crops. 

Police also arrested two suspects believed to be owners of this garden. The evidence, and the two suspects were brought down to the station for questioning.

Assistant Commissioner of Police and NCD/Central Commander Anthony Wagambie Jr said the suspects will be fully interrogated and charged accordingly. 

He called on city residents who are growing and selling marijuana to stop doing so, emphasising that the new drug law comes with a heavier punishment. 

Wagambie added that a Waigani District Court Magistrate recently convicted five drug suspects. Four were ordered to pay K100,000, while the fifth was told to pay K50 000. Failure to pay the fine, they will serve time in prison. 


Sylvester Wemuru