PNG urges National Adaptation Plan

In a call for action on climate change, Papua New Guinea's Minister for Environment, Conservation, and Climate Change, Simo Kilepa, emphasized the need for global cooperation to implement the National Adaptation Plan (NAP).

Speaking at a high-level Ministerial event during the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, Minister Kilepa stressed the urgency of building resilience in small island developing states, particularly those, like PNG, profoundly affected by climate change.

Launched in April 2023, Papua New Guinea's NAP is a comprehensive framework aimed at addressing vulnerabilities in key sectors such as agriculture, health, transport, and infrastructure.

Minister Kilepa highlighted the strategic alignment of the NAP with the nation's existing policy and planning landscape, steering development towards a 'climate-resilient' trajectory.

The plan's implementation is designed to reduce PNG's vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.

However, Minister Kilepa underscored critical challenges impeding progress, including funding constraints, technological gaps, limited public-private partnerships, and institutional capacity building. While acknowledging support from international partners, he emphasized the necessity for a country-driven, long-term adaptation financing program to complement ongoing initiatives within the nation.

Calling for commitments from stakeholders such as developed countries, the private sector, and development partners, Minister Kilepa urged collective efforts to accelerate the NAP's implementation.

He expressed concern over insufficient resources from climate financing mechanisms, including the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

He called for increased financial support to address climate change impacts in the region.

"The Government of Papua New Guinea remains steadfast in addressing climate change, as exemplified by the formulation of the NAP. However, mutual partnerships are crucial to building resilience in our impacted sectors to adapt to climate change impacts," concluded Minister Kilepa.

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