Education Boost in Mendi Munihu

The Mendi-Munihu District Development Authority (MMDDA), in a remarkable commitment to the advancement of education, has allocated over K5 million in investments for educational development this year, according to Raphael Tonpi, Mendi-Munihu MP.

Under Tonpi's leadership, the MMDDA has embarked on a mission to revitalize and enhance the long-neglected infrastructure in the district, with education taking centre stage.

"We are unwavering in our commitment to prioritize education in our district," stated Mr. Tonpi.

The MMDDA, adhering to its district theme of "Revive, Restore, and Make It Functional," has outlined an array of educational projects. These endeavours include the purchase of three Suzuki vehicles for the District Education Advisor and two school inspectors, ensuring easier access to schools, at a cost of K300,000.

Furthermore, a total of 33 primary schools in the district have directly benefited from MMDDA funding, each receiving K50,000, amounting to K1,650,000. Additional allocations were made to specific schools, with Kip Primary receiving K300,000, Komb K150,000, Mosup K150,000, Bela in Puinz K150,000, Tomda K100,000, Marara K300,000, and Munhiu Primary School obtaining K100,000.

Notably, Lai Valley High School acquired a vehicle, while Sumbra and Karinz High Schools secured K200,000 each. Mendi Day Secondary was granted K500,000, and Mogol Secondary received K250,000 each. The commitment to education extended to vocational and special education institutions, with Mendi TVET, Bela TVET, and Kumin Special Education each receiving K100,000 and K50,000, respectively.

Tonpi emphasized that these investments align with the district's theme of revitalization, stating, "We are dedicated to rejuvenating existing infrastructure and making it fully operational. This commitment will extend into the next four years."

As an educationist, Tonpi has set an ambitious goal to phase out Grade 8 exams by 2025 and Grade 10 exams by 2027, aligning with UN requirements that every student must complete Grade 12. This endeavour will necessitate substantial financial support, emphasizing the district's dedication to education.

"We may not achieve everything, but we are giving our utmost priority to education," added Tonpi, reinforcing the district's commitment to providing a brighter future through education.

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