Deputy Speaker confirms Notice of motion of no-confidence

Parliament has adjourned to Wednesday 14th February at 10am and deputy Speaker of Parliament Koni Iguan confirmed receiving the motion for a Vote of No Confidence against the Prime Minister.

The sitting resumed this afternoon at 2pm, proceeding with normal Government business.

The Deputy Speaker, before adjourning Parliament, confirmed that he has received a notice of motion of no confidence filed by the Opposition on Prime Minister Marape.

“I wish to inform the Parliament that today at 1:45pm, at the Speaker’s lounge, I received a notice of motion of no confidence on Prime Minister James Marape Member for Tari Pori.

“As we are aware, there is a process that must comply with Section 145 of the Constitution and Standing Order and recent Supreme Court decision. The notice of motion of no confidence is a matter of national importance and will take its precedence in the Private Business Day.

“Before that happens, it must be placed in the Notice Paper for a minimum of seven days,” Iguan explained.   

The Private Business Committee only sits on a Wednesday during parliament meetings.

It will need to ensure that the motion meets all the requirements including the name of the alternate Prime Minister, and if the motion is seconded and has the signatures of 12 or more members of parliament. 

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