Community told to bear with the “Buai trade shut down”

Central Province police say that despite the business costs of the recent “shut down” approach towards the buai buyers at the Agevairua market in the long term, the community will still benefit.

Central Police Commander Laimo Asi said the directive to stop buyers travelling into the area will help deal with the law and order situation faced there.

Recently there has been reported confrontations between buai traders and sellers as well as members of the communities along the Hiritano Highway.

Asi said the roadblocks along the Laloki and Doa areas have been set up to check all vehicles travelling in from Port Moresby and refuse the entry of identified buai buyers.

PPC Asi says that all vehicles will be checked from PMV’s to buses and private vehicles to ensure that no trader will go into the area and intercept the local buai sellers that travel into the city to trade their buai.

PPC Asi says this decisive action will at least try and deal with the issues faced on ground so that his already limited police personnel can also facilitate for the election operations that are being run now.


Julianna Waeda