Adopt mentality of protecting community, police urged

East Sepik Governor, Allan Bird, says police officers must adopt the mentality of being here to protect and serve the community.

“The vast majority of the population desire peace and harmony within the community. They will help the police to do their work and we can all weed out the bad apples,” stated the Governor in response to the recent death of an Engan man, allegedly at the hands of police.

“Police should only use violence as a last resort when all else fails.

“When police abuse the privilege of their badge to get drunk on duty and misbehave or resort to violent behaviour without first attempting to arrest the individual law breakers, it alienates them from the people they are supposed to serve.

“I recognise that politicians need to regain the trust of the people. I dare say that it is also up to the men and women in blue to regain the trust of the community too. That is something only you can do, no one else can do it for you.

“To those who bring dishonour to the uniform, take it off and go find another job. Leave the job to those who can protect and serve.

“To the many committed and hardworking police in the country, thank you for safety and security you bring to us. Be safe and we look forward to your continued service in the years to come.”

Press release