Queenpads address menstrual needs in Fiji

Queenpads Founder Anne-Shirley Korave attended the Pacific Menstrual Health Network workshop last week to address menstrual health and hygiene needs in Fiji.

During the workshop, some Queenpads were introduced to Fijian Queens while others were donated to a Feminist Free Shop in Nadi to benefit disadvantaged menstruating individuals in the area.

According to Korave, menstrual challenges are a global concern, and it is the responsibility of PMHN members to address these needs and challenges at the regional level through collaboration for access to basic information and menstrual hygiene products.

The Feminist Free Shop, located at DIVA for Equality FIJI office in Nadi, welcomes Queenpad donations that will be distributed to those in need.

Queenpads are committed to breaking barriers and ending menstrual stigma. They urge everyone to prioritize menstrual needs, normalize menstrual conversation, and end period poverty.
