PMGH receives endoscopic instruments

The urology area of the Port Moresby General Hospital is now equipped to correctly diagnose and treat patients.

Urology is a Greek terminology referring to "within the body organ".

The endoscopic equipment donated today by the Chinese Government consist of a gastroscope, which looks into the stomach, colonoscopes for the intestines, cystocopes for the bladder and urethroscope for the kidney.

This donation is based on the partnership between the Republic of China and Government of PNG dating back to 2002.

PMGH CEO Dr Umesh Gupta said the hospital receives donation from China yearly.

Last year it was ultrasound machine and some medicine.

This year, the donations are becoming more focused to target specific areas of medicine.

The choice of equipment is decided from mutual discussion and consensus.

“These are more evidence-based treatments,” he said. 

Dr Osborne Liko, urologist and chief surgeon with PMGH, said the endoscopic equipment will now bridge the gap of demand and capacity at the hospital.

"We greatly needed this. It will now assist us in correctly diagnosing and treating our patients," he said.

Dr Liko said the need for this equipment has existed for a few years.

"One of this (equipment) will cost between K300,000 to K400,000. And PMGH's budget cannot cater for this.”

He said the common condition was ulcer caused from chewing betelnut and smoking, taking aspirin and other painkillers without food, and basic stress.

"Many people are suffering for too long," Dr Liko said.

The donation today took place at the PMGH administration building, witnessed by all parties, including the ambassador for China and the 8th medical team from China, attached with PMGH since last year.

The 8th medical team will return to China in April, to be replaced by the 9th team, specialised in the area of urology.

This team will teach local staff to use and read the machines donated today.

These equipment should be in use by next year.

Gloria Bauai