Motherhood: a never-ending job

​Being a mother is not a job that comes with an instruction manual.

In fact, no one is ever ready for motherhood.

Yet, it is a job one can never back out of, once you get in.

Pregnancy or adoption, one of which, is just the start to the rollercoaster ride till death do you part.

For mothers who fall pregnant, Sr Jayasree Kumar, the Director of Nurses (DoN) with Pacific International Hospital says, challenges start then.

 “From tiredness and morning sickness through to when you give birth, you begin experiencing the challenges of motherhood,” she says.

But of course, you cannot rush into it. Like a long marathon, you have to prepare as best you can, for it, says Sr Kumar.

She advises on refraining from harsh substances that may contaminate the body. And be prepared mentally as well. Because when the mind is set, the body adapts and is relaxed.

Less stress or stress free pregnancy is safe for a mother. When one is stressed, thousands of chemicals will be circulated from the body.  If it’s not filtered out because of continuous stress, these chemicals will harm the body making the mother vulnerable to diseases.

The beauty here is the period of sharing life. When mother and child bonds over the nine month.

Giving birth is described as the most painful experience. But it can never be called a horror or scary experience, says Sr Kumar.

“It’s not scary because all living beings go through that process. Sometimes the pain is very devastating but it’s not a prolonged thing. And with epidural anesthesia, there’s not so much pain as experienced as before,” she says. 

Nevertheless, a woman’s life changes with motherhood.

“And a mother is a fantastic phenomenon or creation of God.”