Mausgras Campaign ends

The Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation (PNGCF) concluded Men’s Cancer Awareness Month –Mausgras Campaign, on the last day of November.

The Mausgras campaign aimed to change the way of thinking and give men the opportunity and confidence to learn and talk about men’s cancer, promoting action when needed.

In a statement, the Foundation said: “The PNGCF wants to encourage the men of PNG to start the conversation about cancer and educate them on how they can protect themselves, their families and friends from the disease.

“As part of the awareness on cancers that affect men, the Diamond Chiefs Rugby League Club in Port Moresby, under their own drive to promote a healthy lifestyle, took the initiative to host a fundraiser and cancer awareness through their ‘Legendary Mausgras Challenge’.”

The Diamond Chiefs are an amateur/social rugby league club made up of working professionals from various fields and professions in Port Moresby.

Each team member grew their beard for the month of November and through fundraising and sponsorship, were able to donate K4,000 to the PNGCF.

Chairman of the Diamond Chiefs Rugby League Club, Philip Naru, said: “We attended the PNGCF’s FREE Men’s Cancer Awareness Workshop that was conducted in November.

“We were told that according to the PNG Institute of Medical Research, 1 in 10 deaths in PNG are cancer related and of these, 1 in 3 are preventable by simply choosing a healthier cancer smart lifestyle.”

PNGCF thanked Club and said this donation will go towards conducting more cancer awareness and education programs in 2017.

“PNGCF would sincerely like to thank campaign sponsor, National Gaming Control Board (NGCB), Moore Printing, DHL, Digicel and Royal Papua Yacht Club.”

(Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation CEO, Dadi Toka Jnr)

Press release