International Yoga Day by the Sea

The International Day of Yoga has been celebrated annually on June 21, since 2015, following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014.

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice which originated in India.

In his UN address, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi suggested June 21, as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares a special significance in many parts of the world.

High Commission of India S.L. Verma, representing the High Commission of India in Port Moresby gave the keynote speech where he expounded on the history of International Day of Yoga and its resolution proposed by India was endorsed by 177 member states.

This practice of Yoga is open to everyone regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, age or religion, and this year’s theme “Yoga for Humanity” speaks to the many on benefits of yoga for every individual and if regularly practiced, yoga helps to increase muscle flexibility, reduced back pain and increased mental focus.

Director and Founder of the Active City Development Program, Ms. Fazilah Bazari, celebrated the day in leading a guided meditation practice, teaching breathing and relaxation techniques and led a stretching yoga practice for all who attended.

The Active City Development Programs Youth of Change performed a yoga demonstration that included Acro-yoga which is a combination of Acrobats and Yoga.

After the event at Ela Beach yoga workshops were held at South Side Fitness Center, Koki that included a posture workshop, universal values such as honesty, non-violence and non-greed and a relaxation yoga practice. The attendees experienced yoga in an integrated way combining yoga theory with drama, games and group discussions.

The workshops were attended by youths, community residents and yoga practitioners.

Press Release