Everyday People PNG: Elizabeth, The Silent Achiever

Elizabeth, a widow, raised her children on her own.

She has faced many challenges like most single mothers would when doing life alone.

Her husband’s death hit hard as at the time she was unemployed and finding help amongst family was very difficult.

But she was not going to allow setbacks define her.

Landing decent job opportunities was difficult as she was inexperienced, but she managed to work at least two to three jobs just to get them by.

Elizabeth devoted her life to giving her children a life she never had.

She would bend in submission behind closed doors in prayer seeking comfort, solace and hope for better days ahead.

Over time, she went from one job and experience to another, all of which grew her into a strong and independent person.

Her children also grew to appreciate that hard work pays off and being smart about the choices you make will get you further than you ever imagined.

After being struck by life’s trials and many an endless disappointment, she finally accomplished a little business of her own.

Her business may be small but it is her greatest achievement in so far as being a high school drop out with no formal job experience.

Her late husband had always promised them a good life, but his health deteriorated fast and she didn’t even have a chance to better prepare for what was to come after his death.

She is no stranger to being left without the comfort of a good home or living with only the clothes off your back after selling all you had just so hunger didn’t set in too quickly.

To date, Elizabeth continues to fight the good fight to give her children the life they deserve and this she does prayerfully without complaint and with complete determination.

“The subject of this interview requested that we do not use their real name, to protect their identity.”

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