Everyday People PNG : Captain Kopi Maino

My name is Kopi Maino. I’m from Rigo district in Central Province.

I’m the captain of Mamose Express. I’ve been on board this Lutheran Shipping vessel for three years.

Out at sea, I’ve been sailing for more than nine years; this year will be my tenth.

As the captain on board, my responsibility is safety. Safety is of paramount importance; we consider it before and after sailing.

As this is a passenger vessel, we normally do our safety briefings and announcements with our passengers, where we inform them of safety procedures.

I’ve encountered bad weather during my trips. Those bad weathers are normally faced during northwest winds and southwesterly winds, which normally fall between November and February, and from March all the way to October.

We get through those rough weather because we trust each other. If you doubt your crew, anything can happen.

Carmella Gware