​When trending PNG labels team up

​What happens when two of PNG’s hot fashion labels team up?

You get something hotter and trendier such as the BarataxBaiwa.

Barata Streetstuf, an apparel brand in PNG specialising in head gear, joined forces with Baiwa – PNG’s top fashion designers, to bring new look hats in town.

Barata Streetstuf introduced BarataxBaiwa last Friday as its first creative collection with Baiwa Designs.

Baiwa, created by Natasha Tamanabae, means “butterfly” in the Binandere language of Eraga, Oro Province, where the designs originate from.

The label has showcased fashion collections on multiple runway shows over the years, with Pacific International Runway (Sydney) and PNG Fashion Week (Port Moresby) and is a great example of high end fashion designs in PNG.

This collaboration has resulted in three different caps, each telling their own stories: The 'BAIWA' tells of the Alexandra Birdwing Butterfly, the biggest in the world only found in Oro Province, representing unity and identity.

The 'SIRORA' tells of the fern plant unique to Oro, where it's enjoyed as a delicacy by the locals, and; the 'PORO' tells the story of Barata and Baiwa, one of creativity, struggle, success and progress in the budding PNG creative space.

These caps are now all on sale for K90 only, exclusively at:

POM: Wantok Clothing, VC 

RAB: Maku Gifts, Gazelle International Hotel 

LAE: Chic Retail, Brian Bell Plaza 

GKA: Paradise Gift Shop, Bird of Paradise Hotel

Gloria Bauai