AG Condemns Election-related Violence

Pila Niningi, the incumbent member for Imbonggu District in his capacity as the Attorney General has condemn election-related violence happening in parts of the country.

He said properties have been destroyed, innocent lives lost, with mothers and children caught in the cross fires of distorted right to power.

“Such unlawfulness has challenged the very core of freedom and democracy in our nation.

“We are at a cross roads where the rule of law is no longer adhered to. This mentality must not be tolerated nor entertained.”

Niningi shared that during the campaign period, he had two aggressive acts of violence done against him.

“One was a direct hit on my vehicle resulting in the fracturing of my driver's arm. The other was an open shooting incident at one of my villages fatally wounding a young man who is currently hospitalized. Yet, I asked my tribesmen and supporters to refrain from retribution. Instead, we reported the matter to the Police and wait for justice take its full course,” he added.

Niningi has appealed to all the political candidates of the 2022 National General Elections to abide by the rule of law and to refrain from using any form of violence to intimidate our citizens and usurp their power to a free, fair and safe election.

Press release