People will be deprived of representation- Gore’s lawyer

The people of Sore will be deprived of the representation of their leader Delilah Gore if the head of state effects the three months suspension without pay says her Lawyer.

Ian Molloy who is acting for Gore said the Leadership Tribunals recommended penalty suspension of three months without entitlement did not consider the period of automatic suspension Gore was facing.

By way of law, the leader was automatically suspended from office with pay during the tribunal hearing which went on for two months.

Molly said legislation does not consider the time frame of suspension already being served by the leader, only a three months suspension from office without pay as one of the penalties.

He said if Gore was suspended for a further three months without pay, the people of Sohe will be deprived the representation of a leader.

Counsel representing the members of the Tribunal William Hagahuno said the recommended suspension by the tribunal as penalty does not put the leader at a disadvantage.

The leader sould not have suffered much from the suspension, he said.

Justice Les Gavara-Nanu will give his ruling in the judicial review in December.

Sally Pokiton