Kimbe Public Library still provides service

​The Kimbe Public Library today received 15 cartons of books from NBPOL under their Book Donations program.

The Library has an experienced Librarian with more than 35 years of experience serving there. Soft spoken Roselyne Loi from Ruango village, after leaving Kimbe Secondary School in 2012 gave an account of her work here.

“I started work here with only 115 books or so and bare shelves. The books you see now on the shelves were purchased from bookshops, shops around Kimbe and even second hand shops. I am very passionate about my job and I love to see people coming into the Library to do their research or just spend time reading for information and knowledge gathering.

“The Library is open from 9am to 4pm on week days. My library register has about 300 or 400 people each year visiting the Library.

“The concerns I have for the Library has fallen on deaf ears. The Library space is too small for Kimbe's population. I would like the Provincial Administration to allocate an area and build a modern library, fully equipped with books and materials so more people can visit,” Loi said.

 She said however, that  here wish is  to see foundation or elementary students have their own section, intermediate and secondary schools students have their own and adults to be separated too.  She said at the moment, the Library can only fit about seven people and” there's not enough space to walk about to check the books.”

“I am thankful to the Provincial Administration who budgeted K10,000 last year for this small library. Most of the money I spent on operation and administration costs with acquittal back to them. Now through the NBPOL Library Books Donation Program, I am able to sort out those old books and re-stock the shelves again. I have doctors, nurses, teachers and students from primary, secondary and the Open Campus coming weekly to the Library.”

The Librarian said in her  free time  she trains other school teachers in Library skills for free.

“ I believe if schools have their own Librarians they will do all labelling and book sorting themselves without waiting for my assistance. I have served my province as a Librarian for more than 35 years and at some stage, I must retire too,” Loi said.

Many students at Kimbe Secondary and Ruango Primary will have bumped into this wonderful lady, who brings a smile to their faces everyday.

Dianne Mirio