Lighting Up Life In Sepik

United Nations Development Program will lead installations of solar panels to generate renewable power in schools and health facilities in remote parts of East Sepik and Sandaun provinces.

Approximately 15 percent of Papua New Guinea's 10 million people have access to reliable electricity.

Remote and rural areas able to access electricity are often powered by high-cost diesel generators which affects the reliability of the power being supplied. This also contributes significantly to poor air quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

The United Nations Development Programme, under the European Union-funded ‘Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade (STREIT)' Program, is overseeing the installation of solar panels to generate renewable energy in selected remote schools and heath facilities in the two provinces.

"Clean energy is one solution to mitigate the impacts of climate change and will also create employment opportunities for local agripreneurs to thrive economically," says Karen Anawe, UNDP’s Project Manager for the Renewable Energy component of the STREIT Program.

This is part of broader efforts to increase the use of solar energy under the Programme to enhance agricultural value chains and improve production particularly for women-led micro and small enterprises.

It will create awareness and promote renewable energy as one way to enhance value chains and support climate adaptation efforts.

A beneficiary of the project, Taul Community Health Post staff in Wewak, ESP, expressed appreciation of UNDP’s inclusive design that will benefit local communities.

“We like the approach UNDP is taking by installing solar, and also training locals in maintenance and operations. This will ensure we have a clean and reliable power source to serve more than 2000 farmers who access the services of Taul Community Health Post,” Alois Henry said.

The STREIT programme is jointly delivered by five UN agencies in partnership with the national and respective provincial governments. It is funded by the European Union.

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