International Literacy Day Book launched

The 8th of September celebrated International Literacy Day with 200 children gathered at Port Moresby Nature Park for an event organized by Buk bilong Pikinini (BbP).

The event, sponsored by ExxonMobil PNG, featured the launch of two books and a crucial Snake Awareness presentation.

BbP, renowned for its Early Childhood Education program, unveiled its latest literary offerings. The first book, titled 'When I Grow Up I Want to be a Zoo Keeper,' was developed with the generous financial support of the Sir Brian Bell Foundation. This delightful reader features 5-year-old Iruna Vagini alongside his role model, Zoo Keeper Rose-Bernadette Wakrima, inspiring young minds with dreams of caring for animals.

BbP introduced the second book, a captivating coloring-in book titled 'Animals of Papua New Guinea - Identify Animals & Color In (Student Handbook for Cultural Learning).' This educational gem was made possible through the support of TotalEnergies. The book aims to engage children in a creative and informative journey through the rich biodiversity of Papua New Guinea.

The event also emphasized the importance of Snake Awareness, a vital skill in this region where snake bites are all too common. The presentation was conducted by experts from POM Nature Park and St. John Ambulance, ensuring that the young attendees are equipped with essential knowledge to stay safe in their environment.

Children had the opportunity to get up close and personal with representations of fascinating creatures such as the Bird of Paradise, Tree Kangaroo, Cuscus, Turtle, and Cassowary.

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