Scouts of PNG present at music festival

This past weekend, starting Friday 24th to Sunday 26th, the Central Musical Festival brought a lively array of informational stalls and product displays to the residents of Kwikila Station in Rigo District, Central Province.

Among the exhibitors was the Scout Association of Papua New Guinea, showcasing its rich history and ongoing programs through pamphlets, picture boards, and handmade crafts.

Scouting in Papua New Guinea, now in its 98th year, has faced challenges due to limited community and government support, leading to a decline in recognition and membership.

However, the Scout Association is determined to revive the movement across the country. At the festival, Mr. Eno Mase, Provincial Scout Commissioner of NCD and Central Province, provided insights into their current efforts and goals.

“We were invited to participate in the Central Music Festival to raise scout awareness, recruit new members, and establish troops in Central Province,” explained Mr. Mase.

“Scouting focuses on developing youths into responsible citizens with self-respect and respect for others. It encourages community involvement and value-based activities.”

Mr. Mase highlighted that scouting is now being integrated into schools, with active programs at Hagara Community School in NCD and several schools in Lae, Morobe Province. "In two weeks, we will launch scouting at Allen Jones Memorial Primary School and Hood Point High School in Central Province," he shared.

The Scout Association boasts around 10,000 members nationwide, with approximately 4,000 in NCD and Central Province alone. “We are expanding scouting to other centres, and Central Province is a key target,” said Mase.

“For age groups, we have junior scouts (3 to 6 years), scouts (7 to 12 years), senior scouts (17 to 21 years), and adult leaders who guide the troops.”

The scouts undergo progressive training in citizenship, local governance, cultural practices, and essential skills like first aid. Mr. Mase encouraged the youth to join, emphasizing the positive impact of scouting. “Scouting is a value-based association that transforms the mindset and behaviour of youth, helping them become good citizens in their communities.”

The Scout Association's presence at the festival marked a significant step in their mission to rejuvenate scouting in Papua New Guinea, inspiring a new generation to carry forward the legacy of this historic movement.

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