Rigo Women in Agriculture Showcase

The Rigo Women in Agriculture Co-operative Society Ltd showcased an impressive array of fresh and processed products during the Central Music Festival, offering visitors a glimpse into their journey and achievements.

Nellie Bola, chairperson of the cooperative, shared their story. The group was established in 2009 as a government initiative by the Central Provincial Government Commerce Department with a seed capital of K2000.

They began with farmer training, gathered their first women members, and completed their first harvest. Their efforts gained recognition, and in 2011, they won the Pride of PNG award in the environment category.

The award from the CPL Foundation provided essential support, including market access and transportation. Despite facing challenges, such as vehicle breakdowns and meeting market demands, the cooperative remains determined.

Bola emphasized that one major issue is the lack of a base in the district, and they require a consolidation centre and an office to operate more effectively.

The Central Music Festival provided a platform for the cooperative to showcase its products and capabilities. "This event allows us to demonstrate to the community and government what we are capable of and to attract potential markets for our products," Bola said.

The cooperative's offerings range from fresh produce to traditional culinary creations, highlighting the dedication and skill of its members.

The Rigo Women in Agriculture Co-operative Society's participation in the festival underscores their resilience and commitment to agricultural excellence, seeking to expand their market reach and secure better facilities for their operations.

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