Goilala focuses on rural-urban drift

Improving infrastructure and people empowerment-oriented programs are key focus areas for Goilala District for 2018 and beyond with the primary aim of addressing rural-urban drift.

These plans were deliberated on during the district administration meeting in Kania Village, Goilala, Central Province.

The district development authority (DDA) meeting was brought back to the village with the aim of engaging leaders at the village level, thus encouraging collective decision making.

“We’d like to as much as possible bring service to our people, and bringing the DDA meeting to them is one way to let them know what we are doing at the DDA level,” explained William Samb, member for Goilala.

“The discussions we do at the DDA meeting are open so people know what projects we are working on and the indicative figures.”

Infrastructure and people empowerment programs were the main agendas of the meeting.

“For infrastructure we will look at roads, the issue of airstrips and infrastructure for communication,” Samb further stated.

The underlying reason for pushing for these 2 agendas is to stop rural-urban drift.

“The important message here is to migrate from Port Moresby back to the district.”

The district also plans to rehabilitate coffee programs and promote commercial farming.

(Goilala MP William Samb, second left, during the meeting)

Carolyn Ure