DICT proposes eVoting for elections

Secretary for the Department of Information and Communication Science, Steven Matainaho, has proposed eVoting as the best way forward for the country’s next general elections.

In his address at the Election Summit in Port Moresby, Secretary Matainaho proposed that eVoting will improve National General Elections in Papua New Guinea.

“The concept of eVoting in the country is to save time, resources and funding, as well as honest voting will be done. We must seriously look into digitalizing the voting process in the country as we will save time and resources, and also transparent voting and trouble-free elections will be conducted,” he said

Matainaho shared that in past elections, the manual process had been a challenge for the government. He stated that the first step in rolling-out eVoting in the country is the process digital ID for citizens.

“The process of Digital ID for individual citizens is easy and convenient for all. Download the Digital ID Wallet application and identify yourself digitally – self register through existing sources of ID for instance NID card number or passport.

“Link physical ID for authentication of individual to register for eWallet after downloading application, and after completion of authentication, it will be convenient or user friendly for all citizens,” added Secretary Matainaho.

DICT is progressing work for Digital ID and is expected to be rolled out later this year.

 “Once Digital ID is done, I propose for it to be used in the coming National General Election in 2027 but it is up to the Government or Electoral Commission to decide on the eVoting process. We have done enough as government to register 3 million citizens in the country under the NID program and this is one of the primary data that can assist us in common rolls as well.

“This is one source of primary data and we have started a process to make additional policy process to ensure Digital ID wallet is rolled out by the end of this year, 2023. eVoting is important for the country, for people to use it conveniently from their locations.

“We have the potential to look into eVoting and Digital ID wallet as it will obviously change the dynamics of what we are doing now and into the future,” he added.

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