Steven Matainaho

DICT proposes eVoting for elections

In his address at the Election Summit in Port Moresby, Secretary Matainaho proposed that eVoting will improve National General Elections in Papua New Guinea.

“The concept of eVoting in the country is to save time, resources and funding, as well as honest voting will be done. We must seriously look into digitalizing the voting process in the country as we will save time and resources, and also transparent voting and trouble-free elections will be conducted,” he said

Secretary Repeats Digitisation Call

The meeting was convened by the Secretary for Prime Minister and NEC Ambassador, Ivan Pomaleu.

Pomaleu relayed the Prime Minister’s call for all heads to step up and for:

  • 2019-2022 Reports to be submitted by COB on 16th August 2022;
  • 5 year plans for each sector to be put forward and ensure all plans have measurable indicators and set targets.

Secretary Matainaho contributed to the discussion, at which he highlighted that Section 48, 28, and 29 of the Digital Government Act 2022 now calls for: