Donald Trump

US election: 'Cruel' Trump claim dismays dead soldier's family

"Had I been president, Captain Khan would be alive today. We wouldn't have been in this horrible, horrible mistake, the war in Iraq," he said.

The soldier's father, Khizr Khan, said it was a "cruel" remark.

He is campaigning for Hillary Clinton, who is making her first appearance with First Lady Michelle Obama.

The two shared a stage at Winston-Salem in North Carolina.

Introducing Mrs Obama, the former first lady said her voice was needed in this election "more than ever".

What Trump said about Melania

Trump delivered the news in a sit-down interview alongside Melania on ABC's "Good Morning America," their first joint appearance since a cascade of allegations of sexual assault against the Republican presidential nominee, which were also discussed.

Asked by host George Stephanopoulos if she wants "to get out there yourself and help (Trump) out in the final two weeks," Melania Trump said "we'll see" before Trump jumped in.

Trump paused campaign for hotel launch

But the Republican nominee wasn't exactly taking time off the campaign trail. Instead, he used his private business to prop up his campaign.

Taking the podium to tout his new hotel as "one of the great hotels of the world," the billionaire, who has touted his business success as a key qualification for assuming the presidency, quickly turned the corporate-themed ribbon-cutting into a campaign event, albeit far from any of the battleground states he needs to win to clinch the presidency.

Ex-congressman: 'If Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket'

Walsh, a former tea party congressman from Illinois who is now a conservative talk radio host, tweeted, "On November 8th, I'm voting for Trump. On November 9th, if Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket. You in?"

Walsh did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment. But he did respond to CNN's Jake Tapper via Twitter when he asked: "What exactly does that mean?"

"It means protesting. Participating in acts of civil disobedience. Doing what it takes to get our country back," he responded to Tapper.

Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star smashed up

A man in a high visibility jacket and helmet was videoed destroying it on Wednesday night.

Reporters claim the man said he wanted to auction the star off, to raise funds for the women who have accused Mr Trump of sexually assaulting them.

The US presidential candidate denies all the allegations against him.

The former Apprentice presenter received the star in 2007.

But it's not the first time it's been vandalised.

Trump: Clinton's foreign policy plan would start WWIII

He said the US should focus on defeating the so-called Islamic State rather than convincing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to stand down.

Mrs Clinton has been proposing a no-fly zone over Syria, which some say could lead to conflict with Russian jets.

The Clinton campaign accused Mr Trump of "playing to Americans' fears".

Mr Trump also attacked Republicans for not uniting behind his candidacy.

"If we had party unity, we couldn't lose this election to Hillary Clinton," he told Reuters news agency at Trump National Doral golf resort in Miami, Florida.

Elizabeth Warren rips Trump over Tic Tacs

In a video released earlier this month, the Republican nominee said he needed Tic Tacs before talking with "Access Hollywood's" Billy Bush on a hot mic about how he can do anything to women because he is a celebrity.

"I've gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait," Trump said.

Warren, and most every Democrat as well as many Republicans, took issue with the comments that have now rocked Trump's campaign.

Trump threatens to reverse diplomatic relations with Cuba

The Republican nominee also said he would do "whatever you have to do to get a strong agreement," even if that meant breaking off the recently-resumed diplomatic relations.

"I just want to press -- would you break off diplomatic relations, though, on day one?" CBS4's Jim Defede asked Trump.

US election: Clinton says she will focus on issues, not Trump

"I debated him for four and a half hours," she said, recalling their acrimonious exchanges. "I don't even think about responding to him anymore."

She was speaking to reporters aboard her campaign plane.

Mr Trump used a rally in Gettysburg to promise curbs on lobbying and new trade and climate change negotiations.

With just 16 days until the election, much of the recent focus has been on controversies linked to his campaign.

US election: Trump outlines plan for first 100 days

With 17 days until the election, much of the recent focus has been on controversies linked to his campaign.

But in a speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, he sought to highlight changes he would introduce.

Among them were restrictions on lobbyists and a renegotiation on trade and climate change deals.

Mrs Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine appeared at events on Saturday in Pennsylvania, a key battleground state in the race for the White House.