LCA to manage sports stadiums

Apart from the Lae Botanic Gardens, the Lae City Authority is also planning to manage sports facilities in the city.

Lae MP and chairman of the Lae City Authority, John Rosso, drew attention to the rundown state of the Sir Ignatius Kilage Stadium (SIKS) due to lack of funding. 

“Because it sits in the middle of the city, I have now talked to our good Higher Education and Sports Minister, including the Sports Foundation, and they have now agreed that the Lae City Authority will also take over the management to run the sports stadium for the benefit of the people of Lae,” said Rosso.

“So we’ll be able to put some money into it to develop it and make certain that the very good facilities are for the people to utilise properly.”

Currently the synthetic running track at SIKS has deteriorated and broken apart, becoming a hazard for both athletes and city residents who exercise after work.

Rosso has given the assurance that LCA will manage and maintain the public infrastructure for its residents. 

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