Young People Encouraged

Limana Vocational Training Centre in Port Moresby recently delivered a strong message during a chatroom session, empowering the young generation to take the initiative in supporting themselves.

Grade 9 students were asked to give their explanations on what they understood by what taking the Initiative meant and with all the explanations given, all boiled down to one resolution and that was “Being resourceful towards the situations around you and contributing positively to them.”

The Chatroom discussed how in our society, petty crimes and the uncleanliness of markets and vending areas are a result of not being able to take an initiative to do right and lead by proper example, as people rely on authority figures to address obvious issues that can easily be dealt with.

People should take ownership of their communities and only then will necessary changes occur for the people’s benefit and well-being, this is the true essence of Youth initiative.

The students stressed that, taking initiative, creates self-reliance and independence in a person and with the ever-increasing rate of unemployed youths in the street, it enables self-empowerment.

The session concluded with a request that those in authority provide avenues where young people can have a platform to start their path to making something of themselves through their own initiatives.


Carol Kidu