Suspend logging: Landowners

Landowners from the Hawain LFA in the West Coast of East Sepik Province are calling on concerned authorities to impose an indefinite suspension on logging in the area.

Some of these landowners were in Port Moresby recently and aired their grievances, which they highlighted were long overdue.

Lawrence Komboguru, a spokesperson for the group, said more than 20 years has passed without the much-needed traces of development and infrastructure or services in one of the oldest logging areas in East Sepik Province.

The Hawain LFA landowners have raised their concerns many times, even at the provincial level, but to no avail.

They are calling for this action due to recent development on the issue, including a court consent order which leaves the landowners no choice but to accept logging operations in the Hawain LFA.

The landowners said their plea is in the best interest of more than 6,000 people who are immediate beneficiaries to this logging operation.

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Imelda Wavik