Social Change Lies In Continuous Dialogue

Ongoing successive conversation and dialogue are the main components for positive and effective change to manifest itself for the betterment of society.

Six students from Don Bosco Technological Institute (DBTI) highlighted this in the Chat Room during their talk on ‘Importance of Conversation and Dialogue among Young People’.

The second-year students brought into their discussion a range of important aspects revolving around the concept of Dialogue and Conversation.

They highlighted the importance areas of:

  • Writing in building effective communication skills
  • Fundamental role of critical thinking in discernment of social issues
  • Demand for more constructive and productive dialogue among youth
  • Need to practice and promote better speaking skills
  • Contribution to integral development of young people

They called on parents and governments to talk more seriously and support communication programs intended to build the minds of the younger generation.

Information Technology (IT) student, Gabriella Manoa, in her analysis on ‘Conversation’ and ‘Dialogue’, said both forms of communication were and remain as fundamental methods of effectively interacting.

“Young people know how to converse and dialogue, but though it might sound simple, what we don’t know is the ability to communicate and share our thoughts effectively,” she said.

“Good dialogue needs to be encouraged and taught more often among young people to ensure a path is created toward promoting the active participation of our youth. This teaches them to be expressive in their opinions and critical, particularly on major issues affecting youth,” Ms Manoa added. 

Jessica Isifu, undertaking Metal Fabrication and Welding, explained that conversation and dialogue were an essential that helped to cultivate confidence and articulation in any person.

“We as humans are social beings and will always have the need to converse and interact with each other. When this skill of speaking is practiced carefully, a person develops a surge of self-confidence allowing them to be well structured in their choice of words, and their conversations with others,” she clarified.

Also studying Information Technology (IT), Emmanuel Kokele dwelled on the significant impact effective writing skills helped in developing an individual’s opinion and said it was key to making a well-versed and tolerable opinion.

“Writing helps to remember and create well informed opinions. It develops the structure in verbal communication making for a concise, accurate and coherent opinion that persuades or influences others.

“It’s imperative for youths to learn the various writing techniques and adopt them into methods of speaking that are positive. In doing so, they have a changed mindset that is capable of influencing their peers and communities,” he stressed.

IT student, Emmanuel Rofunduo, described how words when spoken had an effect in a person’s life and urged for society to become socially responsible by caring and showing compassion where needed. “An altruistic lifestyle where people care less about themselves but more for others is essential to helping those in need and changing society,” he said. 

He further said, “Words are powerful and have energy that can humiliate, humble, build up or tear down a society. We speak out and converse to relieve ourselves because if we don't, it will consume us. However, the next time we decide to speak, let’s try to choose our words carefully.”

Doing his studies in Maintenance and Machine Fitting, Wak Sike, recalled the practice of traditional dialogue in the villages and said it was used to address problems affecting the communities.

“Conversation creates problems, but helps to find solutions at the same time. When you engage in conversation, it helps to address social disorders. In my province of Jiwaka, when there is an argument over land, conversation helps to foster better relationships between tribes,” he stated.

Before bringing the discussion to an end, Dorlynche Nere, also studying IT, encouraged the youthful generation to embrace their inner-confidence in speaking to others.

“We call on responsible persons, organizations, and the government to initiate Leadership Training Programs that provide youth with the skills and knowledge to better handle social issues among their peers, families and communities.”

The next session of Chat Room is on Wednesday with Journalism students from the University of PNG to speak on, ‘Empowering Young People through Creative Arts’.

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