Service providers seek legal redress

Madang service providers were on another wild goose chase with key officers in the Madang Provincial Administration over outstanding fees for services rendered in the past year. They have decided to seek legal action.

Two weeks ago, they were addressed by Financial Manager, George Memke, where they called for another dialogue, this time with Governor Ramsey Pariwa and Provincial Administrator Frank Lau present.

Yesterday they stormed the provincial government house to get an audience with them. The lack of answers continues to frustrate the disgruntled business owners.

Mr Lau, who was there to address them, said there was no hold up of payments from his end and that initially, two budgets were made; one by him, and the other by the governor.

He told the frustrated men that the governor’s budget did not capture service debts, property management and procurement. It meant that there was no money allocated for outstanding service debts and may be captured in next year’s budget.

Furthermore, Mr. Lau said he wanted to do a budget maintenance by flying over to Port Moresby last week but this trip was unsuccessful.

He is now calling on the two other key players to come together, address the service providers and settle their issues.

Service providers have been going back and forth, checking up on payments. As days turn into months, their businesses are being crippled by the lack of assurance and surety that payments will be made.

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