Polye dispels rumour

Member for Kandep, Don Polye has dispelled rumors of him vying for the top post in the country.

Polye in a press conference today said he wants to remain neutral and serve the people of Papua New Guinea in whatever capacity offered to him, and not to vie for the Prime Minister’s post.

“I just want to be a leader. I am a nobody and I am nothing in terms of emotional attachment to anything.

“I want to be just as sincere to lead and to provide advice to other leaders. I don't want to be blind but want to be, very, awakened to things that are real in this country.”

Polye, however, also raised some serious issues affecting the country.

The issues include chronic power, water, telecommunication, medicines, school textbooks, and skilling of Papua New Guineans.

Polye said these issues must be addressed immediately and amicably.

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