Peoples Party Backs Women

The Peoples Party has endorsed four female candidates in each of the NCD seats including the Regional seat.

Party Leader, Dr William Tongamp said People’s Party has no doubt that women are more than capable to hold office as Members of Parliament. He said the Party believes having women in parliament is best for the country.

Dr. Tongamp said the People’s Party supports women leaders and believes the way to get more women into parliament is to increase the number of women contesting in seats around the country “that is why we are proud to support and endorse these four women and PP has a policy to legislate for political parties to amend their constitutions to have 50 percent of their endorsed candidates to be women,” he said.

The four women the party will be endorsing are social justice advocates including former Secretary for Department of Community Development, Anna Bais for Moresby North-West, experienced Media industry personality, Tania Bale for Moresby North-East, Corporate Leader, Michelle Hau’ofa for Moresby South and business owner Sylvia Pascoe for NCD Regional.

People’s Party founder and the nation’s longest serving Governor, Sir Peter Ipatas said this is about achieving a balanced parliament for balanced decision-making “Women make up half the nation’s population and PNG women have already shown their capability as leaders in both the private and public sector. Unfortunately for PNG we are missing the valuable input and influence of women in a place where it is really important and that is in our national parliament.” Sir Peter said.

He further highlighted that the Peoples Party has a history and culture of integrity and it is supporting candidates that reflect this.

“We believe these four candidates we will endorse for the NCD seats hold the People’s Party values and principles.” Dr Tongamp said the People’s Party motto is ‘Putting People First’ and in 2022 they are endorsing candidates that they believe will embody this motto.


Frieda Kana