Opposition says, there is systematic corruption in Government

Opposition Leader, Don Polye, says systematic corruption has flourished over the last five years under the O’Neill led coalition.

He said this was due to the rule of law being undermined, and the lack of adherence to the constitution.

Polye adds these have been the hallmarks of the Government during its term.

Two days into the new year, Polye hosted a media conference portraying a grim outlook for 2017 saying the foundation of which have been established by the economic mismanagement of Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, and the Government.

“Systematic corruption has become so systemic that the disease has become like a virus infecting all the systems of governance in Papua New Guinea such that the rule of law is under threat; such that the constitution of Papua New Guinea is no longer seen as an authority that everybody should pay their respect to and comply to,” said Polye.

Polye says the dismantling of Investigation Taskforce Sweep Team (ITFS), the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Bill not being passed, and the lack of resourcing the Ombudsman Commission (OC) and the Auditor General underpin the Government’s failure to address corruption.

These he said created a public service in disarray, a fragmented police force, a judiciary under threat, and a rise in criminal activities.

Polye adds ordinary citizens will begin to feel the pinch of the Governments mismanagement of the country’s economy with key services such as health and education to suffer due to a cash flow problem in 2017.

“We haven’t seen any attempt made to combat corruption rather the actions taken have been to systematise corruption and corruption has been flourishing as a result.”

Polye says the only way to further stop destruction to the economy is to remove the current regime in the 2017 elections.

Cedric Patjole