New technology to test drugs

The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary now has in place new cutting-edge technology to test suspected illegal drugs.

Known as TruNarc Handheld Narcotics Analyzer device, this portable device provides instant results. It is most effective when suspected narcotics are found on drug dealers and users, as well as for larger-scale drug raids.

According to the Police Commissioner David Manning, the illegal use of extremely dangerous drugs such as methamphetamine is increasing in PNG including around the world, and police need such tools to fight this spread.

“Criminals in PNG are pushing meth and increasing the number of addicts, which is causing increased violence and other crimes, and destroying families.

“This handheld device will help police arrest more drug dealers with prosecutions backed up by undeniable evidence.”

Manning said the mobility of the devices, their accuracy in detecting hundreds of drug compounds and simplicity to maintain and use will make a major difference in the domestic fight against illegal drugs especially in Papua New Guinea.

“These devices are only ten centimeters long and weigh less than a kilogram, so can be carried by police on the street and locations where suspected drugs have been identified.

“It will enable to identify more than 530 types of illegal drugs and drug components, and that a vast improvement on current drug testing that must be done in a lab from multiple samples.

“The technology uses Raman spectroscopy, that in simple terms is essentially a laser that reacts to the molecules of the suspected drug sample, then provides the police officer with an immediate result of the analysis.

“The spread of meth is a potentially massive problem, and we must take advantage of all the new technology and systems we can access to keep people safe,” Manning added.

The device is provided by the Australian Federal Police.

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