Lae Roadworks Update

The Lae Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) has advised of route changes on the Butibam- Malahang-Kamkumung roads.

The Chamber noted that JVPNG are progressing ahead of schedule and are now working on the section from Bumbu Bridge to Butibam.

“A bypass section has been created to allow traffic,” said LCCI president, John Byrne.

He outlined that effective March 26th, no trucks are to go up or down Butibam.

“All trucks and heavy transport will now go through Kamkumung.

“This is expected to be for a period of six weeks, at which time JVPNG forecast completion of that sector and the opening of more work on Bumbu Road, Hunter and Malahang area.

“Dekenai will progress with the Kamkumung sector but it will be done in a manner which allows the truck and vehicle access to move as easily as possible.

“This weekend, Dekenai opened the sector from the Bridge to the Salu Hardware store for two-way traffic.

“This is the most effective way of managing traffic, safety and security whilst progressing the work.”

Byrne said the arrangement has the sanction of Butibam and Ahi leaders, Department of Works and JVPNG/Dekenai.

“We are getting close every day to better access and road.

“Travel safely, be alert and ask your drivers and yourself not to speed, and be patient.”

(Work progresses on the Kamkumung section)

Press Release