Jiwaka police operations underway

The festive season police operations for Jiwaka Province is underway with the first phase starting on December 8, says Provincial Police Commander Chief Inspector Albert Korin.

PPC Korin said first phrase of the operation started on the 8th and will end on the 14th of December in South Wagi electorate.

The second phase will commence on the 15th to 20th December in North Wagi electorate including Jimi.

The third phase will begin on 21st December to January 5th 2024, which will include the change of police operation to mobile policing mode.

“The purpose of changing the police operation is to ensure police patrol all the districts within the province,” he said.

Meanwhile, Korin said the main objective of this operation is to ensure police are in control of the law and order issues that might arise throughout this festive season leading into 2024.

He said about 130 police men and women in Jiwaka command will take part in the operation. 

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