Gure concerned over Pastor’s death

Incumbent Rigo MP, Lekwa Gure was saddened at the news of the death of late Reverend Pene Ila and his wife Sina in a boating incident. Rev Ila from Keapara Village served in Kamali Village of Rigo, Central Province.

The boating incident occurred last week. The late Reverend and his wife were on their way to Keapara to vote. Gure stated that the traveling party capsized at the mouth of Kempwelch River, Kalo Village. Kamali villagers confirmed that there was rough seas and strong winds which likely turned the dinghy over.

According to villagers, Mrs Ila’s body was found at Hula Village on Thursday 7th July, while Pastor Ila’s body was found the next day Friday 8th, in Kalo River.

Gure said, “I’m of the view that Pastors move around a lot, at least once every three years to go to different congregation, so Pastors should be allowed to vote in the place where they are serving. Especially when they are serving in the same districts.”

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