Don’t mislead people: Kilepa

Minister for Environment Conservation and Climate Change, Simon Kilepa is calling on Christian preachers to preach the Word of God and not mislead the people.

The frustrated Minister said in a recent media statement, “I’m disappointed and in disbelief after learning from several calls from my constituents and citizens living in Goroka, Eastern Highlands province accusing me of going overseas and signing the so-called ‘One-World Order’ deal in my recent international engagements.”

“The first engagement in COP27 in Egypt specifically, the world gathered to discuss the matter of Climate Change and I as the portfolio minister responsible for Environment and Climate Change representing Papua New Guinea to deliver the country statement to the rest of the world.

“Later in December last year, I attended the COP-15 in Montreal, Canada on the Bio-Diversity Summit. The World gathered to address the protection and preservation of the Marine resources.

“In all these international engagements, I represent the country to deliver the Marape-Rosso government’s position on the environment and Climate Change to the rest of the world.”

Mr Kilepa said during the festive period, he witnessed a street preacher in Goroka telling people that COP-27 involved a World-Wide Satanic Movement.

“I appeal to the Christian community not to mislead the people with international meetings that has no connotation to the ‘One-World Order’ or other Bible prophecies. 

“Preach the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of His Father and the Power of the Holy Spirit! Stop this irresponsible preaching!

“We all go to church in our various Christian Churches to worship and give praise to God as we prepare for the next journey in our spiritual life.

“As Christians, the Bible should be our guide and not false ideologies that are spread on streets by the so called street preachers. 

“Let us not forget that God created the very earth we live on, placed us in the environment we live in and gave us a responsibility to nurture it and feed of it,” he added.

“It is therefore our duty as Churches of God to talk about God’s goodness and our obligation to look after the environment that God has given us.

“At this time, I also thank Christians who continue to advocate for the conservation of the environment and pray that our people may be safe from the harsh realities of the rapid changes as a result,” Kilepa said.

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