DAL: Audit Committee Needed

The Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL) sees the need for an audit committee to proper steer the agriculture sector for better outcomes.

DAL Acting Secretary, Dr. Nelson Simbiken said the audit committee consisted of DAL and its sub-sectors that had been absent for a while.

He said that the committee needed to be back on track and ready to overcome the issues faced and implement the action items.

The committee had its second meet yesterday after the first meet in June this year. The meet was to start fixing issues and focus on good governance, accountability, and receiving returns for rubber, copra, rice etcetera.

 “This audit committee for the Agriculture sector has been in absence for quite a while, and over the last few year maybe 10 years or so were the last audit meeting that had been done in the agriculture sector.

“I would like to see that a proper audit is done, so we can see financial records of the lead sector, which is DAL and sub-sectors and all the programs that has been implemented. This includes the World Bank and all the donor agencies that are assisting us, and that the books are up to date,” Simbiken said.

Meantime, Department of Finance Deputy Secretary, Samuel Penias, said that it was time to come back together and sort the committee for a better and stronger management of audits in the sector.

Jasmine Iru