Ban On Cheap Liquor Considered

NCD Governor Powes Parkop expressed concern on the growing number of alcohol-related violence in the city due to consumption of cheap alcohol.

He said the sale and consumption has become a serious problem in the city and NCDC has a responsibility to regulate the sale of alcohol in the city. 
Governor Parkop said the NCDC board has set up a sub-committee to address the issue. The committee is working towards solutions to control the issue.

“We have revamped the committee. We have included some of our commissioners in the committee and they have been working on some response that can address this trend that is happening,” he said.
Meanwhile, Minister for Police, William Onglo added that data has been collected and recommendations will be made. He stressed that the buying and selling of cheap alcohol increases social issues and was putting a strain on the health system. 

“The data is coming in now, once we have the data we will put a policy for the government to see and we might ban it,” said Minister Onglo. 

Rita Jeffrey, UPNG Journalism Student