‘Hire and Fire’ powers recalled to DPM

‘Hire and Fire’ powers recalled to DPM

This is the first time since taking office, that the Governor is making a statement on various issues affecting Madang Province, and on the appointment and termination of public servants.

“My people of Madang and my hardworking public servants of the Madang Provincial Administration. I want to set some things right on the power of appointment and termination under the current public service structure. Recently there was an attempt made by the Provincial Administrator, Frank Lau, in terminating the Human Resource head, and appointing another person. This action taken was unwarranted,” stated the Governor.

Governor Pariwa added that the powers of appointment and termination of public servants by the Departmental Head or Provincial Administrator have been recalled to the Secretary of the Department of Personal Management by Special General Order 11 of 2019.

He added that the recalling of these ‘hire and fire’ powers were made clear to the Madang Provincial Administration by a Human Resource Audit done in early December 2022.

“Therefore, in order to avoid future and further misunderstanding of the powers of ‘hire and fire’, I must set this right and I call on the Provincial Administrator down to all the public servants, to abide by that and all the non-public servants to stay out of the public service of Madang,” Governor Pariwa said.

According to the Governor’s media office, this is the first of a sequential schedule of press statements, that will be given by the Governor at the end of every month.
