Koki Murder

Badili Police have confirmed that the suspects involved in the killing of a young man at Badili are known to the police and are still at large.

On Friday morning, a thirty second clip of the incident captured on CCTV street cameras, surfaced on social media, capturing the last moments of the victim before he was brutally slaughtered by two men armed with machetes (bus knife) along the Badili road at around 4am.

The victim was 29-year-old, Danli Kotapo, from Goilala District, who lived at Rabiagini settlement.

Member for Moresby South, Justin Tkatchenko, describing the act as barbaric and primitive said the suspects involved must feel the full force of the law.

He said the unnecessary killing was caused by few individuals who have ruined the good image of the electorate.

NCD Governor Powes Parkop, shared similar sentiments as the Moresby South MP, called for peace and order in the community, while calling on the people in the community to bring forward suspects.

Parkop said harbouring of criminals and allowing thugs to disrupt peace and order in the community would result in the removal of settlements.

Meanwhile, Badili Police said the incident was a revenge kill after a man from Hela Province was murdered last Sunday at the Talai-Gorobe junction by two suspects from Goilala and Kerema districts.

A suspect has been arrested, while the other is still at large.

Family members of the suspect from Sunday’s incident have also been apprehended by the police for harbouring their relative.


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