Yer Education aiming to expand

Like many other fresh businesses coming out, Yer Education Foundation Inc. did not have an office space since its inception in 2018.

Due to the pandemic as well, they weren’t able to get an office for several years back. Now Yer is aiming to expand and the formal office space in Steamships compound in Port Moresby will be the gateway to more students getting involved in the scholarship program.


Yer is helping the less fortunate students of Southern Highlands Province study in the United States of America and is aiming to expand its assistance to other youths in the country.


On behalf of the Founder, Jackson Yer, who is currently in the US. Vice Chairman, Robert Simon stepped in to acknowledge all that have supported and enabled Yer to become where it is today.


“We saw the burden and a lot of the disadvantaged which was created by the Education system. That belief that what they get after falling from the education system is final, some of them accept their fate and are hanging out in the village. So Yer saw that burden and because of our brothers that have studied in the US previously came up with a way to assist those that need a second chance,” said CEO Pake Kera.


In the past years, only four youths were able to go for scholarships and after the pandemic six (6) students were able to be sent last year.


The guest speaker was a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics advisor also known as STEM advisor spoke about the importance of Yer and how such initiatives can take PNG education to another level.


“This foundation is a testament to the heart that he (Jackson Yer) has and I truly believe in the team that this will grow. Last year, through the marketing government policy, they sent 43 STEM students to the US and this is helping second-chance students in PNG. 100 STEM students will be sent this year”, said advisor Kopeap.


Yer as well as STEM believe that education is the passport to the world. Yer is appealing to donors and business houses to assist the less unfortunate children in PNG.

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