Sister Wilma Sebby

Taking care of patients and seeing them recover makes me feel good and that’s what inspires me to continue serving and to do more to the best of my ability.

Sister Wilma Sebby, Nurse Manager of Emergency Department (ED) at the ANGAU Memorial Provincial Hospital, has spent the last 17 years working at the emergency department.

She is motivated by her love for the job, and for people.

Working in the Emergency Department can be very stressful, and sometimes challenging but as a team leader, Sister Sebby is there to support her fellow nurses and colleagues.

Even on a quiet day at ED, she is in ‘preparation mode’, getting the equipment and items for emergencies ready.

This desire to continue serving to the best of her ability led her to complete a Bachelor of Clinical Nursing-Critical Care (Emergency Nursing) in 2007 and in 2017, she graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing Management & Education from the School of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Papua New Guinea.

For the past three years, Sister Sebby gained further knowledge and skills from training facilitated by staff from the Australian College of Emergency Medicine (ACEM), delivered as part of the ANGAU Hospital Redevelopment Project.

Sister Sebby also used the online Kumul Health Skul training, which consists of 10 modules on contemporary models of care and management.

As a nurse manager, she mentors and empowers her colleagues and has encouraged them to upskill and refresh their knowledge on emergency care, procedures and response.
