Planetshakers on security

Security issues were addressed for the Planetshakers concert last night.

The concert organising committee, in response to Loop PNG’s questions yesterday, says a few changes were made, including an increase to security.

This action followed concerns and reports by a number of concert goers on safety risks at the Sir John Guise stadium.

Security measures for last night had been increased, were 100 more members of the police force came on board.

“We also asked the venue gate controls to have separate entrances for those wanting to buy a ticket and those who already have one.

“We requested a different configuration on the inside that we feel will be more conducive to work with the crowd. The venue were on the same page in this regard and happy to make the changes requested,” the committee said.

Nonetheless, the committee still “felt that inside the stadium was a great atmosphere and when there was the potential of any issue arising, it was managed from the stage and they were settled very quickly".

But the gospel band sympathises with those “who did not have the night they were expecting".

"We have put all measures in place for the event to run more smoothly and be a positive and uplifting experience for families and people of all ages.”

Gloria Bauai