Police investigate Gabagaba school fire

Forensic police and investigators from Central Province today collected evidence from the fire scene at Gabagaba Primary School.

Acting Police Station Commander at Kwikila Waida Kosa says the suspect taken into custody yesterday is yet to be questioned.

He says he will be questioned once forensic investigators complete their investigations at the fire scene.

Kosa says investigators also went into Gabagaba village today to talk to villagers in a bid to establish a lead.

“We are confident more suspects will be identified and those responsible will be charged accordingly," he added.

Villagers at Gabagaba were awakened by a flaming inferno in the early hours of Sunday morning at their primary school.

Four classrooms for grades 7 and 8 were burned down along with cartons of text books, teachers guides, student assessment record cards, a computer, a lawn mower and a photocopier machine.