PNG is 23rd country to formalize Paris Agreement

Papua New Guinea has become the 23rd country in the world to formalize the Climate Change Paris Agreement.

The instruments of ratification were deposited by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration Rimbink Pato at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA on Wednesday, September 21.

The deposit of the instruments of ratification formalizes the application of the Paris Agreement in PNG.

This means the acceptance or approval accounting in total for 1.08 per cent of the greenhouse gas emissions.

And this enables PNG to secure assistance from development partners and international organizations to combat the effects of climate change.

Climate Change Development Authority (CCDA) acting managing director Ruel Yamuna said the Government is serious in addressing the effects of climate change.

Yamuna urged development partners, donors and other stakeholders to come onboard and work with CCDA in accordance with the legally established processes and procedures.


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Quintina Naime